Tóm tắt Luận án Research receiving and making from inulin powder from dangshen tubers (codonopsis javanica) grow naturally in lac duong district - Lam dong province

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Nội dung text: Tóm tắt Luận án Research receiving and making from inulin powder from dangshen tubers (codonopsis javanica) grow naturally in lac duong district - Lam dong province

  2. The thesis is completed at the Nha Trang University Science instructor: 1. Assoc. Prof. Dr. Vũ Ngọc Bội 2. Assoc. Prof. Dr. Đào Xuân Vinh Reviewer 1: Prof. Dr. Nguyen Thi Thanh Mai Reviewer 2: Assoc. Prof. Dr. Phung Thi Thanh Tu Reviewer 3: Prof. Dr. Nguyen Anh Dung The thesis is defended at the Nha Trang University Council, meeting at the Nha Trang University at the hour 8 Date 28 Month 11 Year 2021 The thesis can be found at: National Library and the Nha Trang University Library i
  3. SUMMARY OF THE DOCTORAL THESIS’S NEW CONTRIBUTIONS Thesis topic: “Research on extracting and making inulin powder from Dangshen 's roots (Codonopsis javanica) naturally growing in Lac Duong district, Lam Dong province”. Mayor: Post Harvest Technology Code: 9540104 Ph.D. Candidate: Nguyễn Thị Thăng Long Year: 2015-2019 The scientific advisors: Assoc. Prof. Dr. Vũ Ngọc Bội Assoc. Prof. Dr. Đào Xuân Vinh University: The Nha Trang University Content: The thesis has obtained some new results added to the field of research, spray drying to create inulin powder from Dangshen (Codonopsis javanica) and making synbiotic preparations from inulin for application in functional foods: 1)The thesis has researched and determined for the first time the morphological and structural features of the isotropic root tissue (Codonopsis javanica) that grows naturally in Lac Duong - Lam Dong as the basis for age discrimination and timing. Harvesting Dangshen roots. On the other hand, the thesis also determined that 3-year-old Dangshen root has ingredients that meet Vietnamese pharmacopeia standards in 2017: Total sugar content: (10.08 ± 0.88) oBx, Total extract content:(58.2 ± 1.57) g/100g; Total mineral content: (5.50 ± 0.17) %, containing inorganic impurities and heavy metals. 2)The thesis has first time researched and optimized the inulin extraction process from Codonopsis javanica that naturally grows in Lac Duong Lam Dong: the extraction solvent is distilled water of two times, extraction temperature 71oC, extraction time, 36 minutes, and the ratio of solvents / raw materials is 47ml/g with 23.93 % inulin extraction efficiency, 26.96 % fructan extraction efficiency, and 61.35 % of total dissolved extraction efficiency. The thesis also identifies the right factors for inulin precipitation: the appropriate temperature to concentrate the extraction before precipitating to 16 oBx is under 55oC, the suitable precipitation agent is ethanol, the concentration of ethanol is fit. The content for inulin precipitation is 80%, and ethanol concentration for fructan precipitation is 90%, temperature for inulin precipitation is (6±1)°C with average precipitation efficiency of 95.53%. 3) The thesis studies for the first time on purification and determination of the molecular structure characteristics of inulin obtained. The study results showed that it is possible to purify inulin from crude extracts by recrystallization six times, and the purified inulin collection efficiency is (75.85±0.84) %. The purified inulin obtained from Codonopsis javanica naturally grows in Lac Duong-Lam Dong includes two molecules of Fructose polysaccharide: a molecule with a mass of 3.193 Da, about 19-23 monomers, depict at 96.448 %, and one the molecule has a molecular weight of 1.112.892 Da, accounting for 3.552%. 4) The dissertation identifies for the first time some parameters suitable for the spray inulin powdered in Codonopsis javanica. The drying aid is maltodextrin, with the appropriate additional 1
  4. maltodextrin ratio of 10 %. The inlet temperature is 185oC, and the drying chamber air temperature is 85oC; The compressed air pressure is 3 atm, the input pump speed is 10ml/p, which corresponds to the injector speed of 16000 rpm. The powder obtained had an inulin content of (445.90 ± 2.79) mg/g; Fructan content reached (469.40 ±1.61) mg/g, pH (5.18 ± 0.01), mineral content (4.82 ± 0.07) %. Solubility: 1/ 9.5 ± 0.5 / 15 (g / ml/ min; Humidity (6.06 ± 0.27) % and free of inorganic impurities and heavy metals. particle size (882.2±101.4) ƞm, particle density 100%, dispersion 0.497 PDI, melting temperature over 600oC. The powder meets food safety standards according to current regulations of the Ministry of Health for functional food. 5) The thesis has done for the first time by using inulin powder from Dangshen to make synbiotic products to apply in food and obtained some results Dangshen spray- powder containing Inulin has strong prebiotic properties with a dose of 4% (w/w- equivalent to 1.8 -2% based on inulin content) can stimulate cell proliferation (CFU) of 8 strains ( two of L. acidophilus, L. plantarum, L. rhamnosus, B. longum, B. lactic, two of Enterococcus faecalis) from 1.4 ÷ 11.5 times, in which, L. acidophillus (M7) had the highest fertility rate of 2.3 x1011CFU/ g and Enterococcus faecalis (M4) had the lowest fertility rate of 7x10 6 CFU/ g. 6) The thesis first has identified the synbiotic mixing formula for the first time: Inulin powder 0.514 g/g mixed with L. acidophillus biomass 0.33 g/g (density 5x1010CFU/ g); 0.128 g/ g L. plantarum biomass (density 2x1011CFU/ g); 0.033 g/g B. longum (density 8 x1010CFU / g) and 0.1 g/g of B. lactics biomass (density 1011CFU/ g). 7) The thesis tests synbiotic products for the first time in mice. Results, synbiotic's doses of 1.2 g/ kg and 2.4 g/ kg using for 14 or 28 days were not acute toxicity, semi-chronic toxicity to the liver's function, and to the kidney in test rats. Synbiotic has immunostimulating properties as well as the ability to treat diarrhea in mice. DIRECTORS Ph.D. Student Assoc. Prof. Dr. Vũ Ngọc Bội Assoc. Prof. Dr. Đào Xuân Vinh Nguyễn Thị Thăng Long 2
  5. THE SUMMMARY OF THE THESIS INTRODUCTION 1. The necessary of the thesis The herbs extract substances with outstanding features of being non-toxic, having no side effects, and multi-effects should be used as functional foods and gradually as a substitute for medicines. On October 30 in 2013, the Prime Minister Issued Decision 1976/QD-TTG on "Overall development of medicinal herbs to 2020 and orientations to 2030", which focused on 28 indigenous medicinal herbs, including Dangshen (Codonopsis javanica). According to this trend, researchers are interested in the study of extracting and acquiring pure substances from plants in general and naturally growing railway to improve the effectiveness of herbal application in all fields. Special natural conditions made 1664 Lam Dong province has 237 species of plant families, representing nearly 50% of medicinal plants in the country. Besides, Lam Dong province is being also planned as herbal of the primary region. For the above reasons, the project of Ministry level has been implemented by me of the research about “Studying the chemical composition of the Đanshen (Codonopsis javanica) in Lam Dong and the application on functional foods”. Code B2018-DLA-01. Basing on funding from the Ministry-level project, I made the thesis on “Research on inulin collection and production from Codonopsis javanica naturally growing in Lac Duong - Lam Đong province”. 2. The goal of the thesis Determine the time of harvesting the natural growing Dangshen roots. Research on inulin extraction, purification, and characterization of inulin molecular structure in Dangshen tubers naturally growing in Lac Duong district, Lam Dong province. Research on spray drying to create Dangshen powder and experiment to create a synbiotic powder from spray-drying powder, oriented application in food. 3. Object and scope of research Object: The raw materials used in the harvesting time study were fresh, mixed at random collection. The raw materials used to extract Inulin are Dangshen ’s residue after extraction of other ingredients by organic solvents (n-hexane, ethanol). 4. Research scope 1) Research to determine the harvesting time of wild Dangshen in Lac Duong district, Lam Dong province. 2) Optimizing research on inulin extraction from naturally grown Dangshen 3) Purification study and characterization of the inulin molecular structure obtained. 4) Research on spray drying to create inulin powder. 5) Testing using spray-dried Dangshen powder to create a synbiotic powder, oriented application in food. 5. Research Methodology 3
  6. The thesis uses the standard research methods of the World and Vietnam in the study of Inulin intake from Codonopsis javanica, applying mathematics to optimize to ensure the experimental results are high reliability. 6. The structure of the thesis The thesis includes 141 pages, of which 31 pages of overview, 21 pages of research methods, 87 pages of research results, 2 pages of conclusions, 51tables of data, 64 pictures, 181 references (30 pages in Vietnamese, 151 documents in English) and appendix 25 pages. CHAPTER 1. LITERATURE REVIEW 1.1. Introduction about the Dangshen and inulin The Dangshen belongs to the genus Codonopsis. Out of 47 species announced, only two appear in Vietnam. The Dangshen is narrow distribution in some areas with altitudes above 800-2000. This specie is on the list of Vietnamese Red Book. There is only one species of C. javanica and is the type species in Lam Dong province. Inulin is a straight-chain fructan-type polysaccharide, composed of 95% of the fructose and a stored carbohydrate. The link in the circuit is a β-D bond (2,1). When in the long-chain form, there is a DPn (Degree polymer) of 10 ≤ n ≤ 70) units, the average of DPav 25 is called Inulin, when in the short-chain type, it is called FOS (fructooligosaccharides) (3 ≤ n ≤10). The DP of the Inulin of plant origin is relatively low (max <200). Due to the change in DP in the chain length, so the molecular weight of inulin varies from 3500 to 5500Da. The molecular weight of Inulin (Fructan type) is from 5.0x102 to 1.3x104 Da, and Levan (Fructan type) branched from 1x104-1x108 Da. Inulin is hydrolyzed in Endo and Exo by enzyme inulinase. Because of the β-linked at the C2 position of the fructoses and there is one glucose at the end of the chain-linked by α (1-2), the Inulin/FOS is no-digested by the α-glucosidase enzymes, maltase-isomaltase, sucrase in the human and animal gastrointestinal tract. Therefore, it has been classified into a kind of non- digestible soluble fiber (NDO - non-digestible oligosaccharide). 1.2. Detailing technology, manufacturing, and cleaning inulin There are many methods of extracting herbal inulin that has been studied but basically on the principle of liquid-liquid and solid-liquid extraction. The extraction process also affects the DP of Inulin. Inulin's DP is one of the most important parametersthat determine other physicochemical and biological properties, so technological factors in the extraction process need to be determinate. The inulin separation process basically involves three steps: Extraction of water-soluble ingredients including inulin; 2. Eliminate impurities and low DP inulins; 3. Spray (dry) dry. Inulin purification goes through two stages. Stage 1: extraction and purification through calcification of carbonates; Stage 2: precipitation and filtration combined with demineralization through ion resin exchange and decolorization with activated carbon. 1.3. Spraying for making inulin/FOS powder When spray-drying, the properties of the drying aid are a nesassary factor. There are many different carriers with different advantages and disadvantages, so it is necessary to investigate and choose the appropriate substance for the purpose and the material. The spray-drying parameters influence the various 4
  7. chemical and physical properties of the powder. The properties of the spray-dried powder depend on the physical and chemical properties of the raw material, design parameters, and dryer performance to feed flow rate, injection rate, and the inlet air temperature. The drying efficiency could be increased by the right selection of spray drying parameters that are both inlet temperature and drying air temperature, process temperature, carrier type. Inulin is multi-functional, capable of applications in medicine, food. It has immunomodulatory, immunomodulating, antipruritic agent properties; Inulin is multi-functional, capable of applications in medicine, food. It has been shown to have immunomodulatory, immunomodulating, antipruritic agent properties; Increasing intestinal probiotic bacteria population should act as a prebiotic; Fights intestinal infections; Irritable bowel disease; fight against colon cancer and ulcerative colitis IBD (inflammatory bowel diseases - ulcerative colitis and Crohn's disease), increasing the secretion of anti-inflammatory cytokines. Prevent hypertension (antihypertensive); reduce triglycerides in the blood, prevent cardiovascular disease; anti-obesity diabetes management; As a vaccine adjuvant, increases calcium and magnesium absorption but does not affect the balance of other minerals; Bone mineralization in healthy young people fights osteoporosis but does not cause mutations, cancer or teratogenicity. Inulin has been used in the production of functional foods, as synthetic materials in nutritional foods and drugs. Inulin is a renewable raw material for the production of bioethanol, fructose syrup, unicellular protein, and single-cell oil, obtaining FOS and other useful products. From research on Inulin in the country and around the world, it shows that inulin has many properties suitable for use in medicine, food such as naturally sourced from non-toxic Dangshen and many effects including prebiotic properties. Currently, inulin application studies in Dangshen have not been fully studied, although there are some studies proving that Inulin has multiple effects. CHAPTER 2. MATERIALS AND METHODS 2.1. Materials 2.1.1. Materials Codonopsis javanica (Blume) Hook.f.) raw materials grow wild in 3 years of Da Sa; Da Nhim; Da Chais, Lac Duong district, Lam Dong province. 2.1.2. Carrier Carriers (drying aids, additives): Maltodextrin C6nH (10n + 2)O(5n + 1). Dextrin (C6H10O5)n (INS 1400); Gum Arabic (INS 414) provided by Nam Giang Company Limited. 2.1.3. Microorganisms The project using 6 strains of lactic acid bacteria of different origins are included in the list of probiotic bacteria species according to TCVN 9633: 2013. E. faecalis (M1) and L. acidophillus (M2) by Vietnam-Australia Biological Technology Co., Ltd, TP. Provided by Nha Trang, Khanh Hoa province; L. rhamnosus (M3), E. faecalis (M4) and L. acidophillus (M5), L. plantarum (M6) from Legend BIO Company Limited, Hanoi; Strain L. acidophillus (M7) from the Vietnam Seed Museum of VSV (VTTC); Race B. longum (YK1), B. lactic (YK2) from Microbiology Laboratory, Department of Biology, Dalat University. 5
  8. 2.2. Research methods 2.2.1. General research scheme During the research process, the experiments were arranged according to the general research scheme (Fig.2.3). Assessment of age based on morphological and anatomical Fresh raw materials characteristics of tuberous and histological tissues Qualification and quantification of some groups of substances Handling Standard Dangshen roots Chemical composition determination Herbs treated Research on extracting inulin Optimization according to the Box-Behnken model Research precipitated inulin Determination of agent and precipitation conditions Purify inulin Determination of structure and molecular weight of Inulin Dangshen powder Evaluation of the properties of spray-dried Dangshen powder Mixing to create synbiotics Optimizing the mixing process according to the Mix- design, D-Optimal model Synbiotic Figure 2.3. General research scheme The thesis conducts research to identify each stage for the research process. Specifically, the classification of fresh ingredients is based on its morphological and microscopic characteristics to determine the harvesting age and the type of raw materials that meet the medicinal material standards. From the herbal residue extracted with organic solvents, the precipitation agents will be selected, and the inulin of extraction process will be optimized. On that basis, purified research to determine the inulin molecular structure of the Lam Dong Dangshen. After that, researching on creating powdered spray drying from inulin extracts and checking the quality of the powder and prebiotic activity of the powder. Finally, the synbiotic preparation was tested by optimizing the mixing ratio of the obtained prebiotic biomass and the previously generated probiotic. 2.2.2. Methods of analysis of Dangshen root morphology, histology, and chemistry + Sampling and sample processing: according to WHO (1992) and Vietnam Pharmacopeia (2017). Morphological analysis is based on the description of Vietnam Pharmacopoeia, V (2017) and according to Zhang's study (2017). + Determining the age of the year through the annual growth cycle according to Schweingruber (2005). 6
  9. + Measurement of xylem, phloem (µm) diameter is measured with a ruler in a specialized software of the Olympus SZX 7 stereo microscope, Japan. + Qualitative composition of substances in n-hexane extract, in alcohol extract according to Sawant and Cs (2013). Tannin qualitative according to WHO (1992). + Essential Oil Qualitative; Anthranoid (Borntraeger reaction) according to Nguyen Thi Kim Phung (2007) Qualitative Inulin; Fructan by WHO Powdered Method (1992). + Qualitative inulin by TLC thin layer chromatography according to Yevtifieieva and Cs (2016) + Determination of moisture; Determination of dry matter; Content of total dissolved extracts; Total mineral content and acid-insoluble mineral. All identified by WHO (1992) + The total sugar content (% Bx) is determined according to TCVN 7771: 2007 (ISO 2173: 2003). + The heavy metal elements Hg, As, Cd and Pb are determined by atomic absorption spectroscopy according to TCVN 7602: 2007 / (AOAC 972.25). + Determining the standard raw materials according to Vietnam Pharmacopoeia, V (2017). + Quantification of polyphenols according to Singleton et all (1999). Gallic acid as a standard. Perform photometric measurements at 755 nm. + Quantification of Flavonoids according to Woisky et all. Quercetin as a standard. Perform photometric measurements at 430 nm. + Determination of FRAP reduction activity according to Cuong et all (2015). FeSO4 as a standard. Perform photometric measurements at 699 nm. + Determination of ABTS reduction activity according to Roberta et all (1999). + Quantification of total TAC elimination capacity according to Prieto et all (1999). Vitamin C as a standard. Perform photometric measurements at 694 nm. + Quantification of Fructan / Inulin by UV-VIS color comparison spectroscopy according to Pencheva and Cs (2012). Resorcinol - Thiure Color Complex. Fructose is used as a standard. Perform photometric measurements at 483 nm. + Total saccharide content (ScTP) was determined by the phenol acid method according to Chen et all (2011). Glucose is used as a standard. Perform photometric measurements at 490 nm. + Inulin purification by recrystallization method. Purity was checked by Thin plate chromatography TLC according to Yevtifieieva et al (2016). + Determination of molecular weight of Inulin by high-performance molecular sieve chromatography (Gel chromatography). + Determination of inulin structure by IR infrared spectroscopy, MNR spectrum, two-dimensional nuclear magnetic resonance spectrum HSQC, HMQC. + Evaluation of the physical properties of spray drying powder is determined by the method of dynamic light scattering (DLS) according to ISO 22412 (2008) (Technical Committee ISO / TC 24, 2017). + The molten heat was measured by the automatic thermometers of the HS-60. (The USA). + The pH value is measured with a pH measuring device. Japan. 7
  10. + Solubility is done according to the method of Pharmacopoeia VN (2017) or QCVN-3/7/2919.The quantitative method of microorganisms. + The composition and characteristics of spray-dried inulin powder of dried ginseng root are applied according to Decision 46/2007/ of the Ministry of Health on Functional foods. + Determination of microorganism content by the method of counting colonies MPN (Most Probable Number) according to Decision No. 929 / QD-ATTP. November 8, 2017. + Determination of the total number of aerobic bacteria (CFU/g) according to TCVN 4884-1: 2005. + Determination of the total number of E. coli bacteria (CFU / g) according to TCVN 7924-2: 2008 + Identify Cl. perfringens (CFU / g) according to TCVN 4991: 2005. + Determine Salmonella spp (yes or KPH / 25g) according to TCVN 4829: 2005. + Total number of spores of yeasts and molds (CFU / g) according to TCVN 8275-1 & 2: 2010. 2.3. Method of collecting and data processing According to the statistical method. Each experiment was three times, each time three of the samples, and the results were the average of the experiments. Calculate and plot the graph, process the resulting according to the statistical comparison test of mean values between groups, analyze variance ANOVA by using Minitab 18.0 software. Data analysis and optimized design using Design Expert 12.0 software (USA). CHAPTER 3. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION 3.1. Determination of raw materials planning time in lac duong district - Lam dong province 3.1.1. Effect of age on morphology and tissue structure of Dangshen 's roots Effect of age on morphology and tissue structure of Dangshen 's roots The research results show that it is possible to rely on the morphological and histological characteristics of oogonium to determine the age of the raw materials. For example: - One-year-old stage: Dangshen tubers have no scars on the short root neck. The color of the root is ivory white, the skin is thin. They look succulent, with no branched. It also has a mildly sweet taste. When analyzing the tissue, the xylem part of the root is round, fan-shaped wood rays are not clear. - Two-year-old stage: Dangshen root has two scar rings on the root neck, the root neck is short, ivory white, the skin is a bit thick, it doesn't look succulent, the roots are branched with tưo branches and have a light sweet taste. When dissecting the tissue, the xylem part of the tuber is round, the wood rays are fan- shaped, and there are 1 to 2 wood rays that spread to the parenchyma of the shell. - Three-year-old stage: Dangshen root has three scar rings on the root neck, long root neck, ivory white, thick skin, firm-hand, three-branched roots. The shape of the xylem begins to be hexagonal, the wood rays are fan-shaped, there are two to three wood rays that spread to the parenchyma of the shell. - Four-year-old stage: Dangshen root has four scar rings on the root neck. The root neck is the long, ivory white, thick, rough shell, and firmly in hand. The roots are divided into 4 branches. The shape of the xylem is distorted hexagonally, the wood rays are fan-shaped, there are 3 - 4 wood rays that spread to the outer part of the shell parenchyma. The influence of age on the diameter size of the root Dangshen 8
  11. Table 3.1. The influence of age on the diameter size of the Dangshen root No Years of age Number of samples Average tuber diameter (cm) (years) (tubers) 1 1 523 0,64d ± 0,29 2 2 548 1,09c ± 0,19 3 3 609 1,66b ± 0,23 4 4 162 2,24a ± 0,30 Note: Different letters in the same column are different (p <0.05). The results of evaluating the diameter size of 1842 Dangshen tubers of the four different ages (Table 3.2) show that the diameter of the tuber and the age of the Dangshen are related and can rely on the size of the bulb to confirm their age. Effect of age on the ratio between xylem and phloem diameter Table 3.2. The results of tissue anatomy analysis of the tuberous Dangshen under a microscope No Years of Number of Phloem diameter Diameter ratio of Xylem age slices (mm) xylem / phloem (%) diameter (mm) (years) (slices) 1 1 251 2,7d ±0,5 4,65d ±0,74 58,90a 2 2 220 3,6c ±0,7 8,09 c ±2,14 47,23b 3 3 198 5,0 b ±1,1 15,64 b ±2,60 32,69d 4 4 114 7,7 a ±2,6 17,39 a ±2,56 42,31c Note: Different letters in the same column are different (p <0.05). From the analytical results (Table 3.2), it shows that the roots of the amygdala have growth rings and can be based on the anatomical structure of the isotonic root tissue to distinguish the age of Dangshen . The results of qualitative analysis of some groups of organic matter in 3-year-old Dangshen extract (Table 3.3) shows: In the tuberous Dangshen (DS) contains flavonoids, organic acids, amino acids, polysaccharides, alkaloids, essential oils, phytosterols, fats, coumarin, anthranoid, reducing sugars and no carotenoids, saponins, and tannins. The qualitative Inulin reaction in the roots of the rhizosphere showed the orange-yellow reaction, and the inulin qualitative in the research samples by TLC showed that the Rf inulin coefficient of the crude powder was equivalent to that of the standard Inulin (Merck). 3.1.2. Quantification of substances Identifying groups of substances Qualitative results of some groups of organic substances present in 3-year-old Dangshen extract (Table 3.3). 9
  12. Table 3.3. The results of the qualitative analysis of some groups of organic matter in 3-year- old Dangshen extract Basic No Active group Qualitative reaction Results conclusions 1 Fatty Blurred residue left on the filter paper + Positive 2 Oils Smells good + Positive 3 Phytosterol Reaction Salkowski + Positive 4 Carotenoid H2SO4 concentrated - negative 5 Polyphenol Ferric Chloride Test +++ Positive 6 Flavonoid Reacts with alkali NaOH 10% ++ Positive The reaction opens and closes the lactone ++ Coumarin ring Positive 7 Fluorescence under ultraviolet light + 8 Saponin Foaming phenomenon - Negative Na2CO3 + Organic acids Positive 9 Change color litmus paper +++ 10 Acid amin eagents Ninhydrin +++ Positive Reducing 11 Reagents Fehling + Positive sugar 12 Polysaccharid Reagents lugol +++ Positive Reagents Resorcinol - Thiure +++ Inulin, fructan Positive 13 Thin layer chromatography (TLC) +++ Reagents Mayer ++ Alcaloid Reagents Bouchardat +++ Positive 14 Reagents Dragendorff ++ 15 Anthranoid Reagents Borntraeger + Positive 16 Tanin Reagents FeCl3 - Negative Notes: - reaction negative, + positive reaction. ++ clear positive reaction, +++ obvious positive reaction In Dangshen root contains groups of flavonoids, organic acids, amino acids, polysaccharides alkaloids, essential oils, phytosterols, fats, coumarins, anthranoids, reducing sugars, and no carotenoids, saponins, and tannins. The qualitative reaction of Inulin in the roots of Dangshen root gives a yellow-orange reaction and the qualitative inulin by TLC showed that the Rf inulin of the raw powder sample was equivalent to the Rf of the standard Inulin (Merck). Quantification of substances Quantitative analysis of some substances according to the regulations on herbal quality management according to WHO (1992). The results are as follows: 10
  13. + About sugar content: The trend decreases with increasing age. The level of the first year (16.48%) decreased gradually to 127.2%, continued to decrease to 10.08 % in the third year, and the lowest in the 4th year (7.03)%. + Regarding the content of soluble extracts: Trends in decreasing fluctuation with increasing age. The level of the first year (68.63a) % decreased gradually to 61.61b %, continued to decrease to 54.24c % in the third year, and the lowest in the 4 th year (52.72d)%. + About total mineral content: The trend of total mineral content is proportional to the age of the year. The level of the first year (3.33d) %gradually increases to 4.09c %, continues to increase to 5.5b% in year 3, and is highest in the 4th year (6.36a)%. + Inulin content: Inulin content in different age periods follows the rule of non-linear sugar level 2, the concentration peaks at the 3rd year (222,24a) mg/g DW, this figure second highest at the 4th year (127.41b) mg /g, lower inulin content in year 2 (198.22c) mg/g DW and lowest at one year of age (169.82d) mg/g DW. The correlation between inulin content and growth stages follows the equation: Inulin content (mg fructose / g DW) = 118.1 + 58.85X - 8.44X2 (R2 0.96). About the content of some heavy metals and inorganic impurities The results of heavy metal analysis by AAS atomic absorption spectroscopy showed that Dangshen tubers do not contain heavy metals (Hg; Pb; As; Cd) and inorganic impurities. About polyphenol and flavonoid content. The correlation between the flavonoid polyphenols content and the growth time in the Danghen root (R2> 0.90) is shown by the following regression equation: Polyphenol content (mg GAE / DW) = 0.4 + 0.59X-0.09X2 (R2 0.92) Flavonoid content (mg QE / DW) = 0.17 + 0.42X- 0.06X2 (R2 0.98) Table 3.5. The polyphenol content and antioxidant activity of isotonic extract at different ages Active ingredient Analysis results 1 year old 2 year old 3 year old 4 year old bulb bulb bulb bulb Polyphenol content 09.2d ± 0.04 1.18c ± 0,05 1.39a ± 0.055 1.29b±0.03 (mg acid garlic /g DW) Flavanoid content 0.54d ± 0.02 0.74c ± 0.015 0.87a ± 0.007 0.82b±0.016 (mg quercetin /g DW) Free radical scavenging activity 4.62c ± 0.26 10.78b ± 0.93 15.65a ± 1.98 9.7b ± 0.45 (%) Iron reduction activity 10.36d ± 0.88 12.74c ± 0.32 15.39a ± 0.53 14.17b±0.34 (mg FeSO4 /g DW) Total antioxidant activity 10.99d ± 0.95 15.76c ± 0.85 23.64a ± 0.57 18.93b ± 0.1 (mg ascorbic acid /g DW) Different letters in the same row represent a significant difference. (p <0.05). 11
  14. Research results (Table 3.5) show: Growth time has a strong effect on the accumulation of inulin, polyphenols, flavonoids, total sugars, and minerals, as well as total antioxidant, iron reduction, and free radical scavenging activity contained in extracts of Dangshen root. Content of inulin, polyphenols, flavonoids, total sugar, total antioxidant activity, iron reduction activity, and free radical scavenging activity are highest at three years of age. Dangshen tubers do not contain heavy metals and inorganic impurities. The thesis chooses the 3- year-old railway root as raw material for the research process. 3.1.3. Evaluation of the quality of Dangshen root growing in Lac Duong - Lam Dong Research results (Table 3.6) show that 4-year-old Dandelion root has a total mineral content exceeding the regulations of the Vietnam Pharmacopoeia (>6%) while at the age of 1, 2, and 3 years all meet the standards. VN Pharmacopoeia Standard (2007). The Dangshen root of all ages does not contain heavy metals and inorganic impurities. However, 3-year-old tubers had the highest content of inulin and polyphenols. Therefore, the thesis decided to choose 3-year-old ginseng roots as raw materials for the research process. Table 3.6. Content of Dangshen root grown in Lac Duong - Lam Dong Standards of Age (years) Indicators VN Pharma 1 2 3 4 Humidity (%) 35 68,63 a ±1,43 61,61b ± 1,54 58,24c ± 1,57 52,72d ± 1,42 extracts (%) Total mineral (%) < 6 3,33d ± 0,36 4,09c ± 0,26 5,50b ± 0,17 6,36a ± 0,09 Inulin content (mg/g) Not regulated 169,82d ± 3,01 198,22c ± 3,19 222,24ª ± 3,54 217,41b±2,94 Polyphenol content Not regulated 0,92d ± 0,04 1,18c ± 0,05 1,39a ± 0,055 1,29b ± 0,03 (mg/g) Minerals insoluble in < 2 - - - - acid (%) Inorganic impurity < 1 - - - - (%) Heavy metal content (ppm): Pb; Cd; Hg và < 20/106 Not detected Not detected Not detected Not detected As Different letters in the same row represent a significant difference, p <0.05 Note: * (Ministry of Health, 2017); (+) Positive; (-) Negative 3.2. Research on optimization of inulin extract 3.2.1. Optimization of inulin extraction according to the Box-Behnken model * Define the regression model From 2D and 3D contour graphs (Figure 3.18) showing the effects of temperature, time, and the ratio of raw solvents on extraction efficiency of inulin, fructans, and dissolved extracts, choose the optimal range of extraction mode. The output is temperature (60-80oC, time (20-50) minutes, ratio DM / NL (20-60) ml / g. 12