Tóm tắt Luận án Research on flooding and drought impacts on agricultural land use in quang dien district, thua thien hue province in the context of climate change

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Nội dung text: Tóm tắt Luận án Research on flooding and drought impacts on agricultural land use in quang dien district, thua thien hue province in the context of climate change

  3. This research was completed at: UNIVERSITY OF AGRICULTURE AND FORESTRY Supervisors: 1. Assoc. Prof. Dr. Nguyen Huu Ngu 2. Assoc. Prof. Dr. Tran Thanh Duc Reviewer 1: Reviewer 2: Reviewer 3: The thesis will be defended in front of Hue University Thesis, evaluation committee at: ,day month .year The thesis can be found at:
  4. TABLE OF CONTENT INTRODUCTION 1 1. Statement of problem 1 2. Research Objectives 2 3. Scientific and practical significance 2 4. New contribution 2 CHAPTER 1. LITERATURE REVIEW 3 1.1. THEORICAL BASIS OF THE RESEARCH 3 1.2. PRACTICAL BASIS OF THE RESEARCH 3 1.3. PREVIOUS PUBLISHCATIONS 3 CHAPTER 2. RESEARCH SITES, CONTENTS AND METHODOLOGY 3 2.1. RESEARCH SITES AND SUBJECTS 3 2.1.1. Research sites 3 2.1.2. Research subjects 4 2.2. RESEARCH CONTENTS 4 2.3. RESEARCH METHODOLOGY 4 2.3.1. Secondary data collection 4 2.3.2. Primary data collection 4 Focus group discussion 4 Household survey 5 2.3.3. Data analysis method 5 2.3.4. Remote sensing application method 6 Method of flood zoning, flood forecasting based on GIS and remote sensing 6 Method of drought zoning, drought forecasting based on GIS and remote sensing 8 CHAPTER 3. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION 9 3.1. CHARACTERISTICS OF SOCIO-ECONOMIC, NATURE AND LAND USE STRUCTURE IN QUANG DIEN DISTRICT 9 3.1.2. Situation of damage caused by natural disasters in Quang Dien district9 Extreme weather phenomena in the study area 9 Situation of damage caused by flooding 9 Damage caused by drought 10 3.2. LAND USE STRUCTURE IN QUANG DIEN DISTRICT 10 3.2.1. Assess the current status of agricultural land use 10 3.2.2.Changes in agricultural land use areas during the period 2005-2019 11 3.2.3. The factors affecting on changes in agricultural land areas in Quang Dien district 12
  5. The correlation between variables and rice field reduction 12 The linear regression analysis 12 3.3. The EFFECTS OF FLOOD AND DROUGHT ON AGRICULTURAL LAND USE IN QUANG DIEN DISTRICT 13 3.3.1. The effects of flood on agricultural land use 13 Mapping the zoning effect of inundation on agricultural land use 13 Assessment of the impact of flooding on agricultural land use 14 3.3.2. The effects of drought on agricultural land use 15 Mapping the zoning effect of drought on agricultural land use 15 The effects of drought on agricultural land use 16 3.3.3. Predicting the flood and drought effects on agricultural land use 17 Forecasting the effects of flood on agricultural land use 17 Forecasting the effects of drought on agricultural land use 18 3.5. ProPOSING ADAPTIVE SOLUTIONS TO FLOOD AND DROUGHT IN AGRICULTURE LAND USE IN QUANG DIEN 19 3.4.2. Proposing agricultural land use solutions to adapt to floods and droughts according to each type of land use 19 Adaptation to flood conditions 19 Adaptation to drought conditions 20 For forest land: Strengthen the management, protection and development of coastal protection forests, including mangroves, propose to develop afforestation of protective forests to block flying sand and jumping sand to protect houses and forests. short-term crops (crops), fruit trees 20 CONCLUSIONS AND SUGGESTIONS 21 1. CONCLUSIONS 21 2. SUGGESTIONS 22
  6. 1 INTRODUCTION 1. Statement of problem Drought is a natural disaster that has occurred in many parts of the world, even in regions with high humidity [73]. Drought is a phenomenon most directly and strongly affected by climate change [79]. Many studies show that in recent decades, the drought situation in the world has become more serious due to changes in weather and climate change [98]. In which, agricultural production is considered as one of the areas most vulnerable to drought. Drought is one of the main causes leading to the decline of agricultural land [67]. Flooding is one of the most frequent and destructive natural disasters [97]; [104]; [105], causing severe damage to crops and threats to food security [73]; [88]. Under the impact of climate change, the lower reaches of rivers are likely to experience more extreme flooding, and in recent years, flooding has caused significant damage to agriculture, infrastructure and loss of life. to socio-economic activities [74]. The floods in the period 2000-2002 killed 1,300 people in Cambodia and Vietnam, caused damage with an estimated cost of 600 million USD [86]. The frequency and intensity of floods have increased over the past few decades due to climate change caused by global warming [77], [85], [108]; Therefore, the monitoring of inundation and assessment of damage caused by inundation to agricultural production are increasingly interested by researchers [66] [91]. Traditional methods rely on ground survey and aerial observations to map floods, but when flooding is widespread and frequent, such methods are time-consuming, expensive, in assessing the impact of flooding on the economy and livelihoods. Thua Thien Hue province, located in the central coastal area, is one of the coastal provinces that frequently encounters major floods and droughts for years. In which, Quang Dien is a district of Thua Thien Hue province with a terrain consisting of many coastal communes, so it is also one of the areas that always face natural disasters such as: Prolonged hot sun in the dry season caused droughts and floods in the rainy season such as the historic flood in 1999 and the severe drought in 2002 have greatly affected people's lives and land use, especially agricultural land industry in the area [48]. From this fact, the problem is that it is necessary to identify the risk of flooded and drought areas in order to have appropriate monitoring and management measures to prevent and minimize damage caused by floods and droughts affecting to people's lives as well as the local agricultural land use situation.
  7. 2 Quang Dien is a district located on the northern coast of Thua Thien Hue province with an agricultural land area of 8,194.13 hectares, accounting for nearly 50.26% of the district's natural land area [45]. Quang Dien is a purely agricultural district, so agricultural production is considered an important industry. Because agricultural production depends largely on natural and weather conditions, so the effects of climate change on the agricultural production of the district is inevitable. In particular, floods and droughts are frequent natural disasters that greatly affect the district's agricultural land use. 2. Research Objectives The study assessed the effects of floods and droughts on agricultural land use in Quang Dien district, Thua Thien Hue province and proposedsolutions to adapt agricultural land use to drought and flooding in accordance with the local conditions in the context of climate change. 3. Scientific and practical significance a. Scientific significance The research results of the thesis contribute to clarifying the theoretical basis of the effects of drought and flooding on land use in the context of climate change. At the same time, the research results also contribute to confirm the role of GIS technology in studying disaster risks and climate change today. b. Practical significance The research results of the thesis provide scientific basis for Quang Dien district authority to adjust land use zoning plan and to plan the implementation of priority solutions to cope with drought, floods affecting land use at communes. 4. New contribution - This dissertation has identified the factors affecting the changes in agricultural land use in Quang Dien district by the method of investigation combining scientific knowledge, new research methods in the world with the knowledge of stakeholders and local people's knowledge. - Identifying drought level and analyzing spatial and temporal distribution of drought impacts on agricultural land use areas in Quang Dien district by using a combining drought assessment method based on SPI index with application GIS and remote sensing research methods. - Identifying flooding level and analyzing spatial and temporal distribution of flooding impacts on agricultural land use areas in Quang Dien district by using a combining flooding assessment method based on
  8. 3 remote sensing images, digital elevation model (DEM) with GIS application method. CHAPTER 1. LITERATURE REVIEW 1.1. THEORICAL BASIS OF THE RESEARCH The thesis has researched and clarified a number of issues related to the nature of the research object, including: agricultural land use, flooding and drought, factors influencing land use change, the effects of flooding and drought on agricultural land use .Thereby, it can contribute to completing the theoretical basis for the research topics. 1.2. PRACTICAL BASIS OF THE RESEARCH The study results reflect on the status of flooding and drought, the situation of changes in agricultural land use area in the world and in Vietnam from the past until the recent years. It aims to clarify and provide more arguments on related issues for practical backgrounds. 1.3. PREVIOUS PUBLICATIONS Worldwide, since drought management is a broad and multidimensional subject, many of the theories have their roots in other disciplines including land use planning and resources management. Hence, it is not surprising that the frameworks and analysis in this research was guided by hypotheses based on earlier literature both in the world and Vietnam. In fact, there is large number of researches on land management, drought classification from global to local scale, especially focusing mostly on Asia, and some neighboring countries. In general, in the world and in Vietnam, there have been quite a few research projects related to flooding, drought and land use, either in the form of national and international cooperation topics and projects or in the form of regular tasks of a number of related agencies and organizations. However, not many studies specific to Quang Dien district, Thua Thien Hue province have been done. Therefore, this thesis will focus on studying the effects of drought and floods on agricultural land use, identifying specific types of agricultural land that are highly affected by floods and droughts in terms of space and time by the application of GIS technology, from which the research proposes solutions to minimize the effects of floods and droughts on agricultural land use based on the combination of knowledge of scientists and knowledge of local people and related agencies. CHAPTER 2. RESEARCH SITES, CONTENTS AND METHODOLOGY 2.1. RESEARCH SITES AND SUBJECTS 2.1.1. Research sites
  9. 4 This study was conducted at Quang Dien district, Thua Thien Hue province by collecting secondary and socio-economic data during the period 2005-2019. 2.1.2. Research subjects - The situation of flooding and drought occurring in the study area; - The situation of using agricultural land in Quang Dien district; - The effect of flooding and drought on the area of main agricultural land uses in Quang Dien district. 2.2. RESEARCH CONTENTS - Characteristics of natural, socio-economic conditions and land use structure of Quang Dien district, Thua Thien Hue province. - Changes in agricultural land use area during the period 2005-2019 in the study area. - Flood and drought impacts on agricultural land use area in Quang Dien district. - Proposing a number of adaptive solutions to flood and drought in use of agricultural land in accordance with local conditions. 2.3. RESEARCH METHODOLOGY 2.3.1. Secondary data collection The research has collected secondary data from related documents including the annual reports in both provincical and district levels, demographical characteristicts, socio-economic condition, land use structure, land statistical data, implementation of state management on land. At the same time, the study has also obtained remote sensing images that used as input data for remote sensing images interpretation and assess the impact of flood and drought on the use of agricultural rice land. 2.3.2. Primary data collection Focus group discussion A focus group discussion was conducted at district level: interviews with 18 officials and civil servants in charge of the field of Land Management and Agriculture in Quang Dien district (including: 03 officials of the district land registration office, 03 officers of the district's Natural Resources and Environment Department, 03 officers of the district's Agriculture and Rural Development Department, 05 commune- level cadastral officers and 04 commune agricultural officers) through group discussion. The content of the group discussion aimed to collect information related to the trend of changes in agricultural land area, factors affecting changes in agricultural land area, the situation of floods
  10. 5 and droughts that have occurred in the area district and the effects of climate change (floods and droughts) on agricultural land use. Household survey - Select the household survey area according to the following criteria: communes with agricultural land heavily affected by floods and droughts (taken from reports on disaster damage from the District People's Committee, Department of Agriculture and Rural Development in Quang Dien District). - Select the survey sample: select households with large agricultural land area, households frequently affected by floods and droughts, households whose income mainly depends on agriculture and households with multiple models of agricultural land use. In addition, I also conducted interviews with households living in localities that have agricultural production activities and have agricultural land conversion in the period 2005 - 2019. Accordingly, the number of survey samples is determined according to Slovin formula (Consuelo GS, 2007). With a total number of households of 601 and standard error of 10%, the minimum sample size is 149. The content of the household interview survey includes determining the degree of influence of factors on changes in agricultural land use, effects of flooding and drought on local agricultural land use in recent years. 2.3.3. Data analysis method - Descriptive statistics method: This method is used to describe the collected data to provide simple summaries of the collected results. - Comparative method: This method is used to compare the collected results from one year to another, from one commune to another based on the collected data. - Method using Likert Scale: this method is named after the American social scientist Rensis Likert - who invented this method in 1932. Likert scale is a scale or a tool used in a questionnaire to determine the opinions, behaviors, and perceptions of individuals or consumers. Survey respondents choose from a range of possible responses to a particular question or statement based on their level of agreement. - Correlation analysis method- Pearson correlation coefficient (r): It is a measure of the strength of a linear association between two variables and is denoted by r. The Pearson correlation coefficient, r, can take a range of values from +1 to -1. A value of 0 indicates that there is no association between the two variables. A value greater than 0 indicates a positive association; that is, as the value of one variable increases, so
  11. 6 does the value of the other variable. A value less than 0 indicates a negative association; that is, as the value of one variable increases, the value of the other variable decreases. - The multiple linear regression: In statistics, linear regression is a linear approach to modeling the relationship between dependent variable and independent variables. The basic model for multiple linear regression is: Y = β0 + β1Xi1+ β2 Xi2 + + βn Xin In the formula above β0: is a (p+1)parameter vector, where β0 β0 is the intercept term (if one is included in the model-otherwise β β is p- dimensional). Y: is a vector of observed values yi (i=1, ,n)of the dependent variable (agricultural land area). The significance of a regression coefficient (sig.) in a regression model is determined by dividing the estimated coefficient over the standard deviation of this estimate. In this study, with multiple regression models, we look for the overall statistical significance with the use of the F value testing. In which, sig. 0.5. 2.3.4. Remote sensing application method Method of flood zoning, flood forecasting based on GIS and remote sensing * Remote sensing image data: According to the report on disaster damage from the People's Committee of Quang Dien district in 2017 and 2019, the floods in October and November have caused serious damage to agricultural production. Therefore, are 4 Landsat images recorded in October and November 2017, 2019 used. With medium spatial resolution (30 m in the spectral channel, 60 - 120 m in the thermal infrared channel), 15 m at panchromatic channel), especially provided completely free of charge with a 16-day update cycle free to download at: landsat images are a valuable resource for natural resource research and environmental monitoring. The remote sensing images are used to determine the water surface index and map the flood zoning in the study area. * DEM data: DEM raster data is used to build flood forecasting map in Quang Dien district. In addition, to increase the practicality, I also refer to other data on climate, geographical location; land statistics, inventory; data on flood and disaster risks in the study area and data on sea level rise scenarios of the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment. * Method of preprocessing remote sensing image data: Objects are classified from the series of NDVI, LSWI values into 3 groups of objects without flooding, flooding and long-term flooding.
  12. 7 According to the method described by Dong et al. 2014, the distinction between NDVI and LSWI was used in the present study to distinguish between water-related pixels and non-flooded pixels (Dong et al., 2014). The actual results achieved by running the index series of the grouped study is as follows: Non-flooded area: 0> NDVI- LSWI> 1; Inundated area (affected by flooding): −1 <NDVI-LSWI <0; Long-term wetlands (such as rivers, lakes, and seas): −1 < NDVI-LSWI < 0. * Accuracy assessment method The flood classification results are evaluated for accuracy in two ways: (1) The classification results are compared with the ground reference data (200 sample points for control) and (2) The comparison between the area inundation from remote sensing images and water level measured at Phu Oc measuring station on the Bo river at the time of flooding to see the degree of agreement between these two data sources. To evaluate the accuracy of the inundation map extracted from satellite images, the stratified random method is used to represent the different overlays of the area. Accuracy assessment is made by 200 GPS points (The GPS device used is Garmin etrex 10, with high satellite reception sensitivity, so it can determine coordinates quickly and accurately even in cloudy weather conditions, accuracy over 5m (error from 1-5m)). The accuracy or fit between the classified image data and the field data set are calculated by the error matrix construction method. In addition, a non-metric Kappa test was also performed to measure the accuracy of the classifier as it accounted for not only the diagonal elements but also all the elements in the error matrix. * GIS application method to predict inundation based on sea level rise scenario Using ArcGIS for Desktop software version 10.3 of ESRI to process and edit flood forecasting map due to sea level rise affecting agricultural land of Quang Dien district, Thua Thien Hue province. With the scenario of sea level rise by 13 cm, the thesis used information collected from DEM images with the method of selecting areas exposed to the hydrological layer (Function to select objects based on spatial relationships ( select by location) in ArcGIS with a distance of 0 m from the hydrologic layer). In this study, the value of flooded area was rounded and converted to integer value. The prices are converted to inundated area data format after filtering from the DEM digital elevation model and sea level rise scenarios to Polygon format. Value is the Value metric field in the Raster metric layer. The thesis used the spatial
  13. 8 superposition function to calculate the current status of agricultural land affected by inundation due to sea level rise according to the average scenario. Method of drought zoning, drought forecasting based on GIS and remote sensing *Drought evaluation method: The Standardized Precipitation Index (SPI) that is uniquely related to probability, developed by Mckee et al (1993). It can be calculated using the formula: R R SPI  Where: R: Actual rainfall, R : average rainfall(period of years), σ: standard deviation. It is calculated in the following sequence. A monthly precipitation data set is prepared for a period of m months. In this research, we used m value of 1 month to evaluate drough in the Summer- Autumn and Winter-Spring crops. Drought intensity is arbitrarily defined for SPI values with the following categories: 2 ≤ SPI ≤ 3: extremely wet; 1.5 ≤ SPI ≤ 1.99: very wet; 1.0 ≤ SPI ≤ 1.49: moderately wet; -0.99 ≤ SPI ≤ 0.99: near normal; -1.0 ≤ SPI ≤ 1.49: ; -1.5 ≤ SPI ≤ -1.99: severely dry; -2 ≤ SPI ≤ -3: extremely dry. *GIS application method to simulate drought impacts accordance with spatial distribution Method of Inverse Distance Weighting (IDW) was used to interpolate rainfall values of 4 actual observation stations and 4 simulation stations to make a spatial distribution of drought map in the study area. IDW is most often calculated as follows: (2.4) Where: f (x) is the value at the point to be determined; | x-xi |: Algebraic value of the distance between the known point number i and the point to be determined; yi: is the value at the first point; p: is the effect of distance. Notably, the larger the p value, the lower the influence of the remote points and p usually equals 2. * Method of forecasting drought: Rainfall data simulated by remote sensing technology during the research period of the TRMM (Tropical Rainfall Measuring Mission) satellite is downloaded from the website In this thesis, rain measurement points by TRMM technology were used
  14. 9 to perform spatial interpolation of drought. However, the rainfall data of the TRMM satellite stations can only be exploited from the period 1997 to 2016. The rainfall of the months of the year to 2035 is simulated using Excel software through the input data source and results of rainfall changes of seasons to 2035 are forecasted according to scenario RCP4.5. Among the rain gauge stations used for simulation, there are 3 monitoring stations in Quang Dien district (Hue, Kim Long, Phu Oc) which are simulated according to the rainfall change scenario of Thua Thien Hue province. CHAPTER 3. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION 3.1. CHARACTERISTICS OF SOCIO-ECONOMIC, NATURE AND LAND USE STRUCTURE IN QUANG DIEN DISTRICT 3.1.2. Situation of damage caused by natural disasters in Quang Dien district Extreme weather phenomena in the study area According to the results of group discussions in the study area, due to the diverse topographical characteristics of the district, including mainly coastal and low-lying sandy areas, extreme weather events occur in the study area such as drought, cold, flooding, salinization, and freshening. The results of the group discussion showed that: of all the above extreme weather events, flooding is considered the biggest impact on agricultural production of people in Quang Dien district. The next position is drought, which also greatly affects agricultural production in the region. Salinization, cold and sweetening are the next factors. In order to deeply understand the impacts and adaptation solutions, this thesis only focuses on two main extreme weather phenomena: floods and droughts. Situation of damage caused by flooding The geographical location and topography of the district is a low- lying area. There are 8 communes namely Quang Cong, Quang Ngan, Sia Town, Quang An, Quang Vinh, Quang Thanh, Quang Phuoc, and Quang Tho. Therefore, in the rainy season, communes are affected by the northeast monsoon, causing prolonged rains, heavy rainfall flooding on a large scale, causing great damage to production efficiency, reducing product quality, increasing production costs per unit area, causing great damage to aquaculture, livestock, damage to works in service of production, system of roads, dikes, embankments, Riversbank landslides and coasts, erosion loss of productive land, salinization of sandy coastal
  15. 10 areas. In addition, Thua Thien Hue in general and Quang Dien in particular were also affected by the early season floods, causing significant damage to the production of the Winter-Spring crop (including rice and other annual crops). However, floods also bring some positive aspects in agricultural production such as freshening soil to increase soil fertility, handling field hygiene such as clearing pests and diseases, agricultural wastes, etc., destroying the growth environment of rats, compensating water for dry areas, reservoirs, dams, hydropower plants, and irrigation. Damage caused by drought In the past, there were severe droughts such as 1977, 1993 - 1994, 1997 - 1998, 2002, 1993 - 1994 and the most recent drought period 2015 - 2016, the strongest and longest in nearly 100 years; in the district from mid-February 2016 appeared hot sun on a large scale with the temperature of 35 – 360C, then from March to September there were many heat waves, the average temperature was higher than the natural average, drought occurred in Quang Dien district. Drought often lasts without rain for a long time, usually occurs from March to August, the water is salty. The area near the lagoon is vulnerable, susceptible to salinity, while prevention capacity is still limited and passive. Inland canals are not good enough. Prevention solution is to use pumping stations to pump water, build dikes to prevent salinity, use short-term rice varieties and local authorities, care and help. Drought brings great risks: Rice plants are deprived of water for irrigation, slow to grow. Crops also failed to develop. Currently, in Quang Thai commune, there is only 1 reservoir, which is Nam Gian lake and Quang Loi commune, 2 reservoirs, which are Dong Bao and Mieu Ba. The canal of Quang Thai commune managed by the commune is 10.25 km, of which 5.49 km has been industrialized, the remaining is 4.76 km and Quang Loi commune with a total of 26.56 km; of which 25.9 km has been industrialized and the remaining 0.66 km is for agricultural production in the dry season. These are only enough to provide fresh water for a few agricultural areas of the whole commune. 3.2. LAND USE STRUCTURE IN QUANG DIEN DISTRICT 3.2.1. The current status of agricultural land use According to land statistics in 2019, the total natural area of the district is 16,288.73 ha; in which, the used area for the purpose is 15,947.26 ha, accounting for 97.90%, the unused land area is 341.47 ha, accounting for 2.10%. In general, most of the area has some use, the unused land area accounts for a small proportion compared to the total
  16. 11 natural area, the structure of specific land uses is shown in Table 3.4. Table 3.4. Land use structure in Quang Dien in 2019 Land use type Area (ha) Percentage (%) Total 16288.73 100.00 Agricultural land 8086.36 49.64 Non-agricultural land 7860.90 48.26 Unused land 341.47 2.10 The district's agricultural land area is 8,086.36 hectares, accounting for 49.64% of the total natural area, accounting for more than half of the total natural area, which is a large proportion compared to the current situation because Quang Dien district is a delta district based on agriculture as the main occupation. In which the agricultural mainly production land area is 5,528.85 ha, accounting for 33.94% of the total natural area. Forest land area 1,112.98 ha, accounting for 6.83% of the total natural area, of which, production forest land area 971.16 ha accounts for 5.96% and protection forest land area 141.82 ha accounts for 0.87%. 3.2.2.Changes in agricultural land use areas during the period 2005-2019 -Period 2005-2010: agricultural land increased by 484.93ha. During this period, the District has a plan to change the land use purpose from unused land to agricultural land including rice fields, other annual crop fields to increase the use value of land resources, diversify varieties of plants, giving priority to food crops to meet market demand, specialized and traditional crops such as sugarcane in Quang Phu commune, legumes in most localities thereby promoting a number of groups of support industries, improve communities life, and at the same time stabilize food security, produce annual crops for processing. Perennial trees (mostly fruit trees, especially citrus trees) to increase exploitation value per unit area and at the same time solve jobs issue for idle labor and elderly people. Expand the aquaculture industry to create jobs in the locality, increase products for processing and trade, and promote people's living standards towards more and more stable. With the efficiency achieved, the exploited land area has been fully used for intensive farming. - Period 2010-2015: During this period, agricultural land continued to increase and was sourced from unused land with an area of 26.97 ha. Continuing the successes in the period 2005-2010, in this period, the district directs to increase the application of science and technology to use high quality seeds that are resistant to local climate change, to implement, mechanization, loan support, construction of closed